RP2xxx Stamp Carrier Basic

The RP2xxx Stamp Carrier Basic is as simple as it gets! It breaks out all the Stamp pads to easily accessible pin headers, except the USB data pins, which are routed to a USB Type-C receptacle (and, just in case, test points on the back of the Carrier). It’s compatible with all the RP2-based Stamp boards.

The Carrier comes with a combo 3-in-1 SMD/TH/FlexyPin Stamp footprint, you can solder the Stamp directly to the Carrier, use 2mm pin headers + sockets to be able to plug it in and out, or use FlexyPins to pop the Stamp in and out of the Carrier would soldering the Stamp. This way the Carrier also acts as a great Stamp flashing and testing jig.

The board can be powered from USB or by feeding 3.6V-6.5V directly into the 5V pin.

Buy it on Lectronz

Bare Carrier

With the RP2350 Stamp XL

Last modified March 23, 2025